Nuovi fondi per lo sviluppo rurale dei territori colpiti dal sisma

Unione europea 2 Febbraio 2017, di pm

L’Unione europea ha dato il via libera ai fondi per gli agricoltori danneggiati dal terremoto

WCENTER 0XMKBCPMJM epa03430299 EU flags wave outside the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, 12 Ocotober 2012. The European Union was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2012 earlier the same day. The EU and its forerunners have for 'over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe,' the Norwegian Nobel Committee citation said 12 October. European Council President Herman van Rompuy said that the Nobel Peace Prize was a recognition of the EU's work as a peacemaker in Europe. EPA/OLIVIER HOSLET

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