Google Maps incentiva l’ecosostenibilità durante gli spostamenti

Mobilità 8 Ottobre 2021, di Redazione

Introdotte nuove funzionalità per migliorare la piattaforma che è stata potenziata indicando percorsi di viaggio a bassa emissione di carbonio

epa08048179 A man uses his mobile phone while walking past the Google logo in Singapore, 06 December 2019. Google has banned political advertising in Singapore, as they are regulated under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA), widely known as the 'fake news' law. Opposition politicians have decried the move ahead of an election expected early next year as Singapore's media election coverage is 'totally dominated by the state' and that they would lose the ability to 'inform and educate' voters without Google's advertising platforms. EPA/WALLACE WOON

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